No-Bake Chocolate Mousse Pie with Spiced Cherry Compote

Chocolate Mousse Pie with Spiced Cherry Compote {vegan, GF}

It’s amazing what gets done when one isn’t working constantly. For instance, I did some housework today. My seven-year old’s response may give an indication as to how often this occurs. T: Mummy, I’m not going to use the bathroom; it’s too clean! I’m going to use the other toilet. Then the bathroom will stay…

Salted Caramel & Pretzel Cheesecake

Salted Caramel & Pretzel Cheesecake {vegan, GF}

It’s funny how this social isolation business can mess with your brain. I almost went mad last weekend. I just could not stand another minute with my beloved family! The only solution was to lose myself in a new recipe. Salted Caramel & Pretzel Cheesecake, no less. Somehow the focus was like meditation, and within…

Lemon, Cardamom & Coconut Truffles

Lemon, Cardamom & Coconut Truffles {vegan, GF}

It’s been a while between posts. Since the last one, we’ve closed off another year, had Christmas, seen bush fires rage throughout our nation, and the kids have started back at school (thank goodness!). We were lucky enough to spend a week with my brother and his little family in Queensland, and enjoyed the tropical-style…

Popcorn Rocky Road

Popcorn Rocky Road

‘Pathological consumption has become so normalised that we scarcely notice it.’ ‘There’s nothing they need, nothing they don’t own already, nothing they even want. So you buy them a solar-powered waving queen; a belly button brush; a silver-plated ice cream tub holder; a “hilarious” inflatable zimmer frame; a confection of plastic and electronics called Terry…

Chocolate Fudge Dip vegan

5-Ingredient Chocolate Fudge Dip {vegan}

“Being on holidays from work is fun, isn’t it, Mummy?” said my 4-year old to me the other day. “Work?” said I. “Do you mean preschool?” “Yep.” said he. It had dawned on him that being home meant that he could ‘play all day with mummy’. Not having preschool three days a week meant we could spend…

Raw Lime, Pistachio & Coconut Truffles

Guys! These raw truffles are like ‘whoa’! If you are a fan of anything with that citrus tang, you will absolutely love these! Lime and coconut were always best pals, and it is no different here. Yes, they taste fantastic, but do you know what? They are also green! Green food, just in time for…

Cranberry, Coconut & Pistachio Truffles

Cranberry, Coconut & Pistachio Truffles

Disclaimer: This recipe was meant to be shared in time for Christmas! Every year, our mums group has a Christmas cookie swap, and after spying a cute boxed gift of marzipan balls on Instagram, I immediately knew what I would make to share! Using three of my favourite bliss ball recipes, I would make up…

Raw Peanut Butter & Oatmeal Cookies

Deprivation. Nasty little word, that. None of us like to feel deprived. If it feels like a deprivation, we will resist, and this is the reason diets don’t work. If we see clean eating as a punishment, we are far less likely to stick with it. Like many have said before, the only way to…

Chocolate Tahini no-bake muesli bars

Chocolate + Tahini No-Bake Muesli Bars

Without further ado, may I present… wait for it… the most perfect, light and crispy, chewy chocolate tahini muesli bars!! We made them, loved them and then realised that they were our recipe, tweaked and returned and tweaked again! I had to laugh! A blogger friend tweaked my recipe for Peanut Butter Oat Slice, then included a version of…

Sweet Spiced Apricot Yoghurt Icy Poles

Sweet Spiced Apricot & Yoghurt Icy Poles

Hard to believe, but it will be Sweet Tucker‘s 10th birthday in July this year! At first this space was designed to be a travel log, then an online journal, and now finally a recipe blog. In the first few years of posting recipes, I would sometimes only make things once before taking photos and uploading them.…

Lemon, Date & Coconut No-Bake Truffles

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Well, not actually. But there were a ton of home-grown lemons just waiting to be made into cake, and not one but two packets of Weet-Bix that were not going to be eaten anytime soon (young son has moved his allegiance to Rice Bubbles), so what was a mamma…