Dutch Spiced Blondie Bars Gluten-Free

Dutch Spiced Blondie Bars {gf}

“Every person needs to take one day away. A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future. Jobs, family, employers, and friends can exist one day without any one of us, and if our egos permit us to confess, they could exist eternally in our absence. Each person deserves a day away…

White Chocolate, Cranberry and Pistachio Cookies

White Chocolate, Cranberry & Pistachio Cookies

The Journey of The Magi T.S. Eliot, 1888 – 1965 A cold coming we had of it, Just the worst time of the year For a journey, and such a long journey: The ways deep and the weather sharp, The very dead of winter.’ And the camels galled, sorefooted, refractory, Lying down in the melting…

Popcorn Rocky Road

Popcorn Rocky Road

‘Pathological consumption has become so normalised that we scarcely notice it.’ ‘There’s nothing they need, nothing they don’t own already, nothing they even want. So you buy them a solar-powered waving queen; a belly button brush; a silver-plated ice cream tub holder; a “hilarious” inflatable zimmer frame; a confection of plastic and electronics called Terry…

Cranberry, Coconut & Pistachio Truffles

Cranberry, Coconut & Pistachio Truffles

Disclaimer: This recipe was meant to be shared in time for Christmas! Every year, our mums group has a Christmas cookie swap, and after spying a cute boxed gift of marzipan balls on Instagram, I immediately knew what I would make to share! Using three of my favourite bliss ball recipes, I would make up…

Butterscotch Blondie in a jar

I got so super-excited last week about the idea of making DIY edible gifts for Christmas, that here we are again with another one! Call me naïve, but I actually didn’t realise that the whole brownie in a jar was such a big thing. News to me! Truth is, the whole idea of giving DIY gifts is…

Homemade Brownie Mix in a jar

Are you easily distractible? I fear I am. All it took was the sight of these gorgeously cute pre-packaged brownie mix in a jar, and I knew what my friends and family were getting for Christmas! We were on a road trip to visit family in the eastern states, and lucked upon this chocolate factory…

Raw Peanut Butter & Oatmeal Cookies

Deprivation. Nasty little word, that. None of us like to feel deprived. If it feels like a deprivation, we will resist, and this is the reason diets don’t work. If we see clean eating as a punishment, we are far less likely to stick with it. Like many have said before, the only way to…

Salted Caramel Truffles

Salted Caramel Truffles {gluten and dairy-free}

Karen and I go way back… um, let’s see now… 26 years. Yup, we met in high school. She was in year 7 and I was in year 8. We had a few things in common back then… for one; we were the children of missionaries… and sent to boarding school. We were also both…

Raw Brownies

If you’ve ever wanted a brownie hit without melting chocolate or lighting the oven, then these are for you! Great for an after-dinner treat… you will feel like you’re indulging, but you’re really not! Especially great for those folks with allergies, as these ‘brownies’ have no added sugar, eggs, dairy or gluten. The first time…