Salted Tahini Caramel Rice Krispie Treats

Salted Tahini Caramel Rice Krispie Treats {vegan, gf}

Do you eat when you’re tired? Sometimes the body says, “give me energy” and instead of resting, we stuff calories into our mouths. Make sense, but only if you’re not listening. My calorific snack of choice is peanut butter, straight from the jar. Four years ago, when I was in the first trimester of pregnancy,…

Chunky Roast Pumpkin Cashew Dip Vegan Gluten Free

Chunky Roast Pumpkin & Cashew Dip {vegan, gf}

What’s summer without a road trip? I only realised last week when chatting with a friend, that this habit was set down early in life. Our family lived far west of the state, many hours’ drive from grandparents, and so it was from a very young age that we made the annual trek east every…

Chocolate Fudge Dip vegan

5-Ingredient Chocolate Fudge Dip {vegan}

“Being on holidays from work is fun, isn’t it, Mummy?” said my 4-year old to me the other day. “Work?” said I. “Do you mean preschool?” “Yep.” said he. It had dawned on him that being home meant that he could ‘play all day with mummy’. Not having preschool three days a week meant we could spend…

Vegan Apple and Banana Pancakes

Eggless Apple & Banana Pancakes {vegan}

All’s well that ends well. My son had been sick and only attended preschool two days instead of three. He got bitten on the first day back and came home early. On the last day, I had a class to teach and was very anxious. We talked about seasons and months of the year, and drank…

Raw Lime, Pistachio & Coconut Truffles

Guys! These raw truffles are like ‘whoa’! If you are a fan of anything with that citrus tang, you will absolutely love these! Lime and coconut were always best pals, and it is no different here. Yes, they taste fantastic, but do you know what? They are also green! Green food, just in time for…

Cranberry, Coconut & Pistachio Truffles

Cranberry, Coconut & Pistachio Truffles

Disclaimer: This recipe was meant to be shared in time for Christmas! Every year, our mums group has a Christmas cookie swap, and after spying a cute boxed gift of marzipan balls on Instagram, I immediately knew what I would make to share! Using three of my favourite bliss ball recipes, I would make up…

Nut Free Bliss Balls

This post is dedicated to a dear friend. One who loves and cares for her own four children, plus three of her husband’s from a previous marriage graciously and without complaint. She is the one who designed this recipe, because before her life became full to overflowing, she also was a very keen baker. Even…

Kiwifruit, Lime and Coconut Slice {gf}

Kiwifruit, Lime & Coconut Slice {gf}

It’s July already and I’m just now thinking about St Patrick’s Day. Typical. Significant dates, events or holidays always seem to catch me off guard. I even forgot our wedding anniversary last year! And yet these dates are annual reminders to us of the beliefs, traditions, and relationships that are important to us, and are worth celebrating!…

Chocolate Tahini no-bake muesli bars

Chocolate + Tahini No-Bake Muesli Bars

Without further ado, may I present… wait for it… the most perfect, light and crispy, chewy chocolate tahini muesli bars!! We made them, loved them and then realised that they were our recipe, tweaked and returned and tweaked again! I had to laugh! A blogger friend tweaked my recipe for Peanut Butter Oat Slice, then included a version of…

Pumpkin, Orange & Cranberry Spelt Muffins

With all this baking, friends often ask me how I don’t get fat. Breast feeding has certainly helped, but the most common answer is, “I give it all away”. Hubby was searching for baked goodies to pack in his work lunch the other day, and I had to tell him that there were none. In…

Corn Fritters {gluten-free + dairy-free}

Often on a Monday, the toddler and I do the grocery shopping, visiting the library on the way. He charms the socks off all the elderly ladies we see, and holds the list for me while I browse. We have a bunch of local shops, including post office, fruit and vegetable shop, pharmacy, butcher and…