Chocolate Fudge Slice

Chocolate Fudge Slice {vegan, GF}

My mum moved into a new nursing home two months ago. I say new, because she has been living in residential care for 6 years now. It was great, but my father needed to downsize and providentially, there was a room in the high-care facility right next door to Dad’s new retirement unit. We miss…

Lemon Curd Frozen Yoghurt {vegan, GF}

Lemon Curd Frozen Yoghurt {vegan, GF}

Who knew there were so many ways to enjoy lemon curd? Aside from the obvious – slathering it on toast… or eating it by the spoonful… there was that Lemon Lamington Layer Cake, and now this – Lemon Curd Frozen Yoghurt. I have yet another recipe up my sleeve, but will leave that until winter…

Raw Lime, Pistachio & Coconut Truffles

Guys! These raw truffles are like ‘whoa’! If you are a fan of anything with that citrus tang, you will absolutely love these! Lime and coconut were always best pals, and it is no different here. Yes, they taste fantastic, but do you know what? They are also green! Green food, just in time for…

Kiwifruit, Lime and Coconut Slice {gf}

Kiwifruit, Lime & Coconut Slice {gf}

It’s July already and I’m just now thinking about St Patrick’s Day. Typical. Significant dates, events or holidays always seem to catch me off guard. I even forgot our wedding anniversary last year! And yet these dates are annual reminders to us of the beliefs, traditions, and relationships that are important to us, and are worth celebrating!…

Gluten-free Lime and Coconut Cupcakes

Vegan Lime & Coconut cupcakes {gf}

It was time to celebrate … My sister-in-law had just completed the very last exam of many in the long years of training to become a medical doctor, now general practitioner. Typically, she was acting like it was ‘no big deal’ but we knew better, so we gathered round to help her celebrate. Lunch with the family, and then…

Fudgy Lemon, Coconut & White Chocolate Blondies {gf}

Hands up if you have an Instagram addiction. Guilty as charged! I love scrolling through the beautiful images, being inspired by what other foodies are doing around the globe, and learning a few tips and tricks along the way. The other day I read a blogger’s profile which began…. “Recipe developer” … and it got me thinking,…

Lemon, Date & Coconut No-Bake Truffles

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Well, not actually. But there were a ton of home-grown lemons just waiting to be made into cake, and not one but two packets of Weet-Bix that were not going to be eaten anytime soon (young son has moved his allegiance to Rice Bubbles), so what was a mamma…

Fruit & Yoghurt Slice {gluten-free and dairy options}

Fruit & Yoghurt Slice {with gluten-free and dairy-free options}

Okay, we’re going super-healthy this time, and it’s ugly but oh, so good! It’s a slice that could be co-opted as breakfast food, or packed into the lunchbox as a healthy snack. Rules surrounding what one can consume at school are getting so rigid these days, but never fear! This baby is nut-free. It is…

Carrot, Currant and Coconut Salad + a muffin recipe

I feel like I’m becoming a bit like those chefs you hear about, or those Italian mammas, who cook by feel. A wodge of that, a glug of that (as per Jamie Oliver – love him). Don’t get me wrong. I follow recipes strictly, until I know them well enough to ad lib. But this…

Chewy Fruit and Seed Slice {gluten-free, and very, very addictive}

Is it too early to start talking about lunchbox snacks? Probably. But with less than one week to go until the new school year begins, I thought it was time to get some healthy snacks on the radar. What actually prompted this post was a visit to the beach in the incredibly cold, wet weather…