Paleo Muffin Master Mix

I never hated Christmas before now. Don’t get me wrong; I love celebrating Christmas, but the rush and bustle of pre-Christmas activities caught me in its grip like never before this year, and I’m exhausted. Perhaps it was because the gifts weren’t sorted until two days prior, perhaps because I was baking right up to…

Vegan Chocolate Zucchini Cake

I was a teenager when I first tasted and fell in love with zucchini muffins. Muffins were not a big thing in Australia when I was a child, so it was only when I was older, and attending an international school with a largely American cohort, that I was introduced to my first muffin crush!…

Sweet Spiced Apricot Yoghurt Icy Poles

Sweet Spiced Apricot & Yoghurt Icy Poles

Hard to believe, but it will be Sweet Tucker‘s 10th birthday in July this year! At first this space was designed to be a travel log, then an online journal, and now finally a recipe blog. In the first few years of posting recipes, I would sometimes only make things once before taking photos and uploading them.…

Thick, Chewy Muesli Biscuits

Baking with a young kid in the house makes one guilty for sharing so much sugar, and I know heaps of people who are getting het up about the amount of sugar in our diets these days. There was that sugar film just a little while back, which I haven’t seen but no doubt would…

Warm Lentil & Coriander Salad

It’s spring! Finally! We have blue skies and sunshine for what seems like the first time in a very long time! The winter just past was so cold and long… and cold. So we are revelling in the change of season, and looking forward to enjoying the outdoors once again. I have ventured into the…

Raspberry Almond Muffins with Cacao Nibs & Citrus {gf/df}

I read an article the other day that said that successful people don’t do chores all weekend. I like that! Rather, they socialise and get exercise; in other words, unwind. Recharging is good for the mind, body and soul, and is the real rest that God meant when He instituted the Sabbath as a creation…

Forager’s Salad {Idiot Salad}

It was my birthday last month, and though I chose not to share the day with a crowd, it was special because it was shared with my boys. We have a favourite place to visit on special occasions, and this year was no different. We had missed going there on Mother’s Day, so opted to…

Spicy Red Lentil Soup with Cashew Cream

Spicy Red Lentil Soup with Cashew Cream & Lemon

So, I’m making soups these days… Very strange! What’s happening to me? I’m becoming like my mother (not such a bad thing). She used to make soup ALL.THE.TIME… which is possibly the reason I deferred it for so long! We lived in Tasmania, by far the coldest state in the country. Neither of my parents…

Warm Potato & Tuna Salad with pesto dressing

Hello sunshine! We’ve had so much rain this past week, that as soon as the sun came out this weekend, it felt like spring… which may explain why I felt the need to post this spring-like salad in mid-autumn. I’ll probably regret not having a pot of hot soup at the ready when the drizzle…

Corn Fritters {gluten-free + dairy-free}

Often on a Monday, the toddler and I do the grocery shopping, visiting the library on the way. He charms the socks off all the elderly ladies we see, and holds the list for me while I browse. We have a bunch of local shops, including post office, fruit and vegetable shop, pharmacy, butcher and…