Aquafaba Kidney Bean Brownies

It seems I am not done with brownies yet. After developing a recipe for the fudgiest Nutella brownies, I thought that would be it. After all, they are amazing. But no. The paleo world was calling, and I found myself experimenting with a version of brownies made with red kidney beans. Yuck! You might say,…

Lemon Curd Lamingtons {gf}

When life gives you lemons, make lemon curd, not lemonade! Surely lemon curd is superior, after all it stores well and makes an excellent, potable gift! Aside from the obvious (eating it straight out of the jar), it’s great for slathering on toast, piling on fresh scones with cream, gilding a cheesecake, spooning into little…

Kiwifruit, Lime and Coconut Slice {gf}

Kiwifruit, Lime & Coconut Slice {gf}

It’s July already and I’m just now thinking about St Patrick’s Day. Typical. Significant dates, events or holidays always seem to catch me off guard. I even forgot our wedding anniversary last year! And yet these dates are annual reminders to us of the beliefs, traditions, and relationships that are important to us, and are worth celebrating!…

Chocolate Tahini no-bake muesli bars

Chocolate + Tahini No-Bake Muesli Bars

Without further ado, may I present… wait for it… the most perfect, light and crispy, chewy chocolate tahini muesli bars!! We made them, loved them and then realised that they were our recipe, tweaked and returned and tweaked again! I had to laugh! A blogger friend tweaked my recipe for Peanut Butter Oat Slice, then included a version of…

Gluten-free Lime and Coconut Cupcakes

Vegan Lime & Coconut cupcakes {gf}

It was time to celebrate … My sister-in-law had just completed the very last exam of many in the long years of training to become a medical doctor, now general practitioner. Typically, she was acting like it was ‘no big deal’ but we knew better, so we gathered round to help her celebrate. Lunch with the family, and then…

Vegan chocolate cupcakes with maple buttercream icing {gf}

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy…

Vegan Chocolate Zucchini Cake

I was a teenager when I first tasted and fell in love with zucchini muffins. Muffins were not a big thing in Australia when I was a child, so it was only when I was older, and attending an international school with a largely American cohort, that I was introduced to my first muffin crush!…

Pumpkin, Orange & Cranberry Spelt Muffins

With all this baking, friends often ask me how I don’t get fat. Breast feeding has certainly helped, but the most common answer is, “I give it all away”. Hubby was searching for baked goodies to pack in his work lunch the other day, and I had to tell him that there were none. In…

Salted Dark Chocolate Cookies {gf}

  Yikes! It’s 2016, and already I’m behind the eight-ball! This summer I had every intention of posting dozens of salad recipes, icy poles and ice creams, but alas, I barely had time to make Christmas gifts, let alone test new recipes. One gets caught up in the busy-ness of the season and before you…

Black Forest Brownies {with gf option}

Here it is, at last – the perfect Chocolate and Morello Cherry Brownie recipe! It has taken me months to get this recipe just right! Ever since Dad’s 70th I’ve been on a quest for the perfect black forest brownies … all because my father’s favourite cake is Black Forest Cake. Chocolate-y, creamy and boozy,…