Easy Eggless Banana Bread

Easy Eggless Banana Bread

My goal was a simple one; make a gluten-free vegan banana bread that was straightforward, easy, something that my 7-year old would eat, and that looked and tasted like the banana bread I see in every local café. Easy, right?! I had played around with eggless recipes for years, and never found something that I…

Double Chocolate Banana Cake {vegan, GF}

Double Chocolate Banana Cake {vegan, GF}

I decided to wing it with this one. After all, making cakes week in and week out gives one a fair idea of how to do it right… right?! Based loosely on my own adaptation of Tracy Benjamin’s Hippy Banana Bread, and loosely on my own ideas of how to make a vegan chocolate cake,…

Citrus Poppy Seed Cake {vegan, gf}

Lemon Poppy seed Almond Cake {vegan, gf}

Vegan Cake Nirvana. I’ve reached it. I seriously thought my quest for the perfect citrus poppy seed cake was to be a never ending one. The key to success was so elusive, it was driving me mad. I caved at various points along the way, sharing a recipe that was ‘almost’ the one… There are…

Bittersweet Jaffa Almond Cake {vegan, GF}

This is my magical unicorn cake, my pie-in-the-sky, my nemesis; the cake that was destined never to work. I lost count how many iterations were tried, tested and failed… how many tins of beans were used in the quest for a vegan chocolate almond torte. And yet here we are, with the recipe for a…

Vegan Gluten-free Black Bottom Cupcakes

Black Bottom Cupcakes {vegan, gf}

Brrr! I don’t recall being this cold in a long time! Winter is finally here, though it’s sunny still. I love how where we live, the seasons start slowly. Often it will be a full month into summer, autumn, winter or spring before the weather really sets in. What that means for today, is that…

Chocolate & Raspberry Almond Cake {gf/df}

If the moniker were not already taken, I would totally rename this blog, ‘The Lazy Baker/Cook’. Because that is what I am. If I can’t whip it up within a matter of minutes, it doesn’t make the cut. Perhaps when I was younger I was attracted to highly intricate recipes, but not now. In a…

Lemon Curd Lamingtons {gf}

When life gives you lemons, make lemon curd, not lemonade! Surely lemon curd is superior, after all it stores well and makes an excellent, potable gift! Aside from the obvious (eating it straight out of the jar), it’s great for slathering on toast, piling on fresh scones with cream, gilding a cheesecake, spooning into little…

Flourless Pear & Chocolate Cake {gf/df}

Sunday afternoons are for baking, am I right? At least it’s been that way for me since primary school. In boarding school, all children under the age of 11 had to take a nap on Sunday afternoon. There were only a handful of us older than that, and we stayed up. Oh, what mischief we…

Vegan Chocolate Zucchini Cake

I was a teenager when I first tasted and fell in love with zucchini muffins. Muffins were not a big thing in Australia when I was a child, so it was only when I was older, and attending an international school with a largely American cohort, that I was introduced to my first muffin crush!…

Melt & Mix Banana Bread

So, there we were on a fine spring day, staying at home instead of attending play group, all because the kid has decided to toilet train. Who’d have thought? Just a day before, it had been a struggle to get him to even sit on the toilet. Then I chatted with some mummy friends and…

Dad’s Double Chocolate Chip Cake {gf}

My Dad is a great chef. He, like me, enjoys baking cakes, and he’s been tweaking recipes since long before I started. A couple of months ago, he had a lovely slice of chocolate cake at the nursing home where Mum lives. He then emailed to ask if I had a recipe I could recommend.…