Lentil and Cauliflower Curry

Lentil & Cauliflower Curry {vegan}

There are very few savoury dishes on this blog. Even fewer are vegetarian. Oh, some of them only have a bit of bacon or ham, and for several years I was under the misapprehension that that was ‘close enough’. But my delusion was soon to be shattered, as my husband informed me that he does…

Curried Beef and Vegetable Soup {Lauk Sayor}

It was terrifying finding myself alone, in a foreign land, surrounded by people, but none of whom I knew. I had just left my hometown, flown seven hours via Kuala Lumpur to Penang, Malaysia to pick up my visa from the Thai consulate there. What no-one knew was that I was due to arrive in…

Eggplant and Sweet Potato Curry

Given the predominance of cake on this site, you would be forgiven for thinking we think we live on the stuff. Truth is, I get more excited about sweet than savoury, but we do eat healthy meals. The reason they often don’t make it to the blog is because by the time I’m making dinner it’s too late and too…